BVSD wants all students and parents to enjoy their dance experience.....
So there is no surprise fees and each family understand exactly how it all works I have listed a few guidelines for the school. By filling out an enrolment form, all students and their parent/guardians are agreeing to the following.
1. TERM FEES ●All term fees are to be received in the first 4 weeks of term. All terms fees received after this date will incur a late fee to cover extra administration costs. This cost in mandatory and will be added on the following terms bills if not received with the late term fees.
● Classes need a minimum of 5 students to run and classes under 5 students may be cancelled. In the event that a class is cancelled you will be offered a full refund for the remaining classes or transfer into another class.
● All families who have 4 or more classes within the family will receive a 10% discount on term fees, however this payment must be received by the 4 week due date of term for this discount to be applied. After the 4 week due date this discount will be removed from the invoice. (There is no discount for private classes)
●If payment is still not received by the last week of term a notice will be sent home cancelling enrolment for the student and no classes may be attended until this overdue amount has been amended. I understand financial problems can pop up from time to time – if you are experiencing financial difficulty and having trouble paying your fees please feel free to call me to organize a payment plan.
2. ENROLMENT: ●All students are required to pay a $10 enrolment fee which covers insurances and Apra costs. Registration fees cannot be refunded under any circumstances.
●Enrolment is for one year of classes. You may cancel your enrolment during this time however you must pay for all classes attended and please give as much notice as possible of your discontinuation of enrolment especially if you are in a small class! Any costumes that have been ordered for you or will have to be paid for.
●All classes within each term must be paid for regardless of attendance. No refund is given for classes missed. Of course there are some exceptions so please call me if you wish to discuss.
3. INVOICES: An invoice will be sent out within the first week of the term. Any payment applied will be included in the payment field above the balance. Invoices will be sent out via email if a valid email address has been given. I know some people do not carry the software required to open the invoice attachment if this happens to you please send me a quick email.
4. COSTUME PAYMENTS: a $20 costume fee is added on to the invoice for each student and style of dance for term 1, term 2 and term 3 only. This payment is compulsory and will go towards the initial purchase for your child's end of year costume. In term 4 you will receive a remaining balance and this will be added on to your invoice for term 4 or money will be returned if costume was less than $60.00.
If you choose to cancel enrolment at any time costume fees will be refunded, however if any items have already been purchased for your child's costume the remaining balance, if any, will be refunded.
5. CONCERT: The concert is usually held at the end of NOVEMBER. There are two extra rehearsals, a stage rehearsal and a dress rehearsal, that the students are required to attend at the end of the year. These rehearsal will cost a minimum of $20 ($10 each rehearsal) depending on how many styles you do. To watch the end of year concert you will need to purchase a ticket ($12-$16).
● Fees can be handed to your teacher in a sealed envelope with students’ full name and class details on the front. All payments handed to teacher are to be made by cash.
● Internet Transfer to Brunswick Valley School of Dance / Summerland Credit Union / BSB: 728-728 / ACC: 22299122 /Reference: Students full name please.
10. CONTACT: I Understand and consent that dance is a physical form of exercise, therefore it may be necessary for a teacher to engage in contact to enable correct posture, correct body alignment or to administer first aid. As dancing is a physical sport, B.V.S.D and its staff cannot be responsible for any injuries obtained as a result of classes and for the students welfare before and after classes.
11. FIRST AID: I consent for staff to administer first aid which can include; bandages, Band-Aids, ice packs, soothing creams and antiseptic. In the case of an emergency and parents are not present, staff will contact either the numbers provided or other medical treatment as deemed appropriate. Students should obtain their own insurance in case of accident or injury.
12. PHOTOGRAPHY & VIDEO: I give permission for staff or those authorized by director to take photos of and or videoing of students for promoting and internal purposes only e.g. Concert Programs, concert DVD's etc.
BVSD wants all students and parents to enjoy their dance experience.....
So there is no surprise fees and each family understand exactly how it all works I have listed a few guidelines for the school. By filling out an enrolment form, all students and their parent/guardians are agreeing to the following.
1. TERM FEES ●All term fees are to be received in the first 4 weeks of term. All terms fees received after this date will incur a late fee to cover extra administration costs. This cost in mandatory and will be added on the following terms bills if not received with the late term fees.
● Classes need a minimum of 5 students to run and classes under 5 students may be cancelled. In the event that a class is cancelled you will be offered a full refund for the remaining classes or transfer into another class.
● All families who have 4 or more classes within the family will receive a 10% discount on term fees, however this payment must be received by the 4 week due date of term for this discount to be applied. After the 4 week due date this discount will be removed from the invoice. (There is no discount for private classes)
●If payment is still not received by the last week of term a notice will be sent home cancelling enrolment for the student and no classes may be attended until this overdue amount has been amended. I understand financial problems can pop up from time to time – if you are experiencing financial difficulty and having trouble paying your fees please feel free to call me to organize a payment plan.
2. ENROLMENT: ●All students are required to pay a $10 enrolment fee which covers insurances and Apra costs. Registration fees cannot be refunded under any circumstances.
●Enrolment is for one year of classes. You may cancel your enrolment during this time however you must pay for all classes attended and please give as much notice as possible of your discontinuation of enrolment especially if you are in a small class! Any costumes that have been ordered for you or will have to be paid for.
●All classes within each term must be paid for regardless of attendance. No refund is given for classes missed. Of course there are some exceptions so please call me if you wish to discuss.
3. INVOICES: An invoice will be sent out within the first week of the term. Any payment applied will be included in the payment field above the balance. Invoices will be sent out via email if a valid email address has been given. I know some people do not carry the software required to open the invoice attachment if this happens to you please send me a quick email.
4. COSTUME PAYMENTS: a $20 costume fee is added on to the invoice for each student and style of dance for term 1, term 2 and term 3 only. This payment is compulsory and will go towards the initial purchase for your child's end of year costume. In term 4 you will receive a remaining balance and this will be added on to your invoice for term 4 or money will be returned if costume was less than $60.00.
If you choose to cancel enrolment at any time costume fees will be refunded, however if any items have already been purchased for your child's costume the remaining balance, if any, will be refunded.
5. CONCERT: The concert is usually held at the end of NOVEMBER. There are two extra rehearsals, a stage rehearsal and a dress rehearsal, that the students are required to attend at the end of the year. These rehearsal will cost a minimum of $20 ($10 each rehearsal) depending on how many styles you do. To watch the end of year concert you will need to purchase a ticket ($12-$16).
● Fees can be handed to your teacher in a sealed envelope with students’ full name and class details on the front. All payments handed to teacher are to be made by cash.
● Internet Transfer to Brunswick Valley School of Dance / Summerland Credit Union / BSB: 728-728 / ACC: 22299122 /Reference: Students full name please.
10. CONTACT: I Understand and consent that dance is a physical form of exercise, therefore it may be necessary for a teacher to engage in contact to enable correct posture, correct body alignment or to administer first aid. As dancing is a physical sport, B.V.S.D and its staff cannot be responsible for any injuries obtained as a result of classes and for the students welfare before and after classes.
11. FIRST AID: I consent for staff to administer first aid which can include; bandages, Band-Aids, ice packs, soothing creams and antiseptic. In the case of an emergency and parents are not present, staff will contact either the numbers provided or other medical treatment as deemed appropriate. Students should obtain their own insurance in case of accident or injury.
12. PHOTOGRAPHY & VIDEO: I give permission for staff or those authorized by director to take photos of and or videoing of students for promoting and internal purposes only e.g. Concert Programs, concert DVD's etc.